[pjw] ACTION: Gearing up for 70 years since Hiroshima- the ZONES PROJECT

Peace and Justice Works pjw at pjw.info
Fri Jul 10 18:42:05 EDT 2015

As the 70th anniversaries of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima 
and Nagasakia approach (August 6/9), we're working with Oregon Physicians 
for Social Responsibility to integrate "The ZONES PROJECT" into this 
year's commemoration. We engaged in this project in 1995 and 2005 on the 
50th and 60th anniversaries as well.

The ZONES PROJECT alerts people to the effects of a nuclear weapon if one 
were dropped in the center of Portland.

You can see the details of where the zones start and end, and download 
individual posters for each area, here:


A few of us from PJW will be meeting up on Sunday, July 19 (9 days from 
now, and one day after our quarterly meeting) to ride bicycles around the 
city and put up posters with the educational information on the effects of 
such a horrible incident, and promoting the August 6 commemoration in 
Waterfront Park.

If you are up for a bike ride, and can bring a decent sized messenger bag, 
some strong tape, and a stapling device (we'll try to provide some of the 
tools, but don't have the bags) meet us Sunday the 19th at 1 PM on the 
grassy area at the east end of the Burnside Bridge (at Martin Luther King 
Jr Blvd). Please RSVP so we know how many people to expect and can have 
enough flyers and (maybe) staplers, and so we don't take off without you. 
Not sure right now how long the ride will be, like 2-2.5 hours. If you 
have a smart phone that may help figuring out the zone layout-- we're 
working on improvements, but here's an online map:

Hope to see you on the 19th (and, the 18th, the 6th, and the IAG 
demonstration on the 8th as well)!

dan handelman
--Peace and Justice Works
    PO Box 42456
    Portland, OR   97242
    (503) 236-3065
    pjw at pjw.info

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