[pjw] Sad news, longtime PJW stalwart Ann Huntwork has left this life

Peace and Justice Works pjw at pjw.info
Sun Sep 24 19:08:40 EDT 2017

Peace and Justice Works supporters

It is with great sadness that I inform you that our earth, so in need of 
champions for peace, lost one of its greatest yesterday when Ann Huntwork 
died. Ann used to volunteer at a hospice up the street from here and 
bristled when I would use the phrase "passed away."

Ann was a core part of our Iraq Affinity Group from nearly the beginning, 
having spent time on the Iran-Iraq border helping people with the trauma 
of the Iran-Iraq war. She was a board member from 2004-2009. She was the 
co-founder (and sometimes only active member) of our School of the 
Americas Watchers affinity group, visiting the notorious US training 
grounds in Georgia many times. (And, in fact, in her own capacity and not 
representing PJW, crossed the line there and spent 6 months in federal 
prison for it in 2003. Ann was also a long-time war tax resister, 
refusing to pay for the military and its violent misadventures.)

Ann's concerns for world peace included a deep concern about America's use 
of drone warfare, and of course she was instrumental in all of our 
educational activities to promote positive relations with Iran. In her 
later years her use of a walker finally prompted us (after decades in this 
building) to set up a wheelchair ramp at our office door so she could 
continue to participate in meetings; in the last few months, including as 
recently as September 11, she would participate over the phone.

Ann was a member of so many other groups I probably can't list them all, 
but the one that stands out is the Seriously Pissed Off Grannies, who sat 
in front of recruiting stations in rocking chairs to block people's entry.

I'm told she died peacefully at her home at the Peace House, and that the 
family is working on setting public remembrances. PJW will also set time 
aside at our fall quarterly meeting-- to be held at Peace House on Sunday 
Nov. 19-- to remember Ann. We will keep you posted.

dan handelman
--Peace and Justice Works
    PO Box 42456
    Portland, OR   97242
    (503) 236-3065
    pjw at pjw.info

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