[pjw] Think like the Iraqi people: Support peace in 2018

Peace and Justice Works pjw at pjw.info
Thu Dec 27 18:22:24 EST 2018

Peace and Justice Works supporters:

The Iraqi parliament is calling for the US to leave their country 
following President Trump's "surprise" visit during which he did not meet 
with any Iraqi officials.


January will mark 28 years since the US started bombing Iraq, and March 
will be 16 years sine the troops invaded. March will also be the 27th 
anniversary of Peace and Justice Works, which has been marching, 
organizing, and educating around peace issues since 1992.

We know you have probably received about 43,000 end-of-the-year requests 
for donations. We hope you will consider getting a last-minute donation in 
to PJW. This past year we voted to raise our membership rates to help meet 
the increased costs of maintaining our office space. Remember, all of your 
money goes towards our peace work since we are all volunteers here!

As an example of why our office space is so important, in mailing out the 
Peace and Justice Works and Portland Copwatch newsletters yesterday and 
today, we expect a total of 18 different volunteers in here helping get 
the word out to roughly 1500 people and organizations. That's a lot of 

The new newsletter should arrive early next week or next year, but if you 
can pop a check/money order in the mail or use our online service 
at Network For Good ( http://www.pjw.info/pjwdonate.html ) it will help 
push 2018's efforts into 2019.

Thanks for all you do to support peace and justice,
dan handelman

--Peace and Justice Works
    PO Box 42456
    Portland, OR   97242
    (503) 236-3065
    pjw at pjw.info
    Donate on line: http://www.pjw.info/pjwdonate.html

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