[pjw] ACTION: Oversight system hearing Thurs 9/21 2 PM

Peace and Justice Works pjw at pjw.info
Sun Sep 17 16:09:56 EDT 2023

Hi again Peace and Justice Works supporters

This is a follow up to the Sept. 1 email reporting back on the work of the 
Police Accountability Commission and the various mentions in other emails 
that the PAC's proposal is going to City Council this coming Thursday, 
Sept. 21 at 2 PM.

Portland Copwatch wrote the following in an email today (I've modified it 
a bit since PJW members aren't getting all the PCW emails):

People should sign up to testify and/or send in written comments to City 
Council about how you feel about the Police Accountability Commission's 
proposal for the new oversight system.

Right now there are only 11 people signed up to testify Thursday at 2 PM
(either in person or virtually)-- six (former) Commissioners and five
community members. I believe two of the community members are among
those who feel that somehow holding police accountable for misconduct is
not compatible with the cops doing their jobs. (And of course, whether
or not "doing their jobs" is appropriate is a whole other discussion.)

There are also three written comments for agenda item #799, one
supportive from Sisters Of The Road and two saying that police officers
should be allowed to be Board members.


On that note, a few of us have found that the first question a lot of
people have asked is "who WILL be on the new Board?" So we added a few
sentences to clarify that into the web page. Also, FYI, there's a 
printable fact sheet based on the web page that also has the new language 
that's linked on the page.


Here's the new text, which by the way is sort of a refutation to those
who want cops on the Board (PAC can't change that, it's in the Charter):

"The Charter requires the Board membership to represent diverse lived
experiences, including those who experience systemic racism and/or
mental illness, addiction, or alcoholism. The charter also prohibits
current and former officers and their families from Board membership."

You can get to the Council agenda here to sign up or to submit testimony:


When they ask where you live, if you want to keep your address out of
the public record just pick a park or something as your address, the new
interface lets you do that (but requires you to answer).

Again you can look at the draft documents that are posted so far here:


if you want more details to think about when you testify.

Important point:

City Council is not voting to adopt the PAC's proposed code Thursday,
only to accept the report. HOWEVER they need to know whether there is
widespread support for the PAC's work or else they are likely to fall
back on the tired trope that "the Portland of 2020 is not the same
Portland of today." In other words, they seem to think that because Jo
Ann Hardesty championed the ballot measure that led to the new Board,
and she's not on Council any more, the issue doesn't matter. But this is
a longtime community demand that Commissioner Hardesty championed, it's
not one person's effort.

The Council can do anything to the PAC's proposal (including throw it
out and start all over, which would just be a waste of everyone's time)
before forwarding their plan along with proposed changes for the USDOJ
Settlement Agreement to the DOJ. That's supposed to happen 60 days
after PAC gave its report to Council (I think different people have
different interpretations on when that clock begins).

Let us know if you do sign up, and/or send in comments. That said, you 
don't have to worry about it if you don't let us know since that's all 
transparent on the Council website.

I've pasted in the announcement that came from the PAC staff on Friday.

dan handelman
peace and justice works / portland copwatch
(and former member, Police Accountability Commission)

-----------------forwarded message-------------------

Subject: PAC's Final Presentation to City Council - Thursday the 21st!
From: Police Accountability Commission
 	<policeaccountability at portlandoregon.gov>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2023 17:26:52 -0000

Join us in City Hall or on Zoom
Final Presentation To City Council September 21st

Hi Community Members,

The Police Accountability Commission is presenting it's final 
recommendations to City Council on Thursday, September 21st at 2:00pm at 
City Hall.


This event will be hybrid, meaning you can join by Zoom or in person.

To sign up to give public testimony please click here


Come listen and learn about the new police oversight policy that the 
Police Accountability Commission has been working hard on for a year and 
a half.


What: PAC Final Presentation to City Council

When: Thursday, September 21st at 2:00pm

Where: Portland City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Ave.

This is a chance for community members to come listen to a presentation 
to City Council on what the new complaint process will look like and 
what the new proposed structure for police accountability in Portland 
will be.

The PAC was a result from the Real Police Accountability ballot measure, 
approved by Portland voters in 2020. 82% of Portlanders voted in favor 
of creating a new community police oversight board, and City Council set 
up this commission to work with the community to develop the details of 
the new system. Now that their work is done, please join us in City Hall 
on the 21st to hear about the new proposal.

Please share this with your communities, neighbors, and friends so they 
can join us. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions to 
policeaccountability at portlandoregon.gov. We look forward to seeing you 
in City Hall next week.


PAC Staff

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