[pjw] MEETING/RSVP: Iraq Affinity Group "meets" Monday, July 8, 5:00 PM

Peace and Justice Works pjw at pjw.info
Tue Jul 2 18:04:10 EDT 2024

Hi again Iraq Affinity Group supporters

The next meeting of the Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group will 
be a conference call held this coming Monday, July 8 at 5:00 PM. The 
current regular meeting time is the second Monday of every month. Please 
RSVP if you would like the call in number and access code.

We are able to host two people (in addition to me) in the office, masks 
on, windows open. If you want a "live space" let me know, first asked, 
first served.

I'm sending this a day earlier than usual due to the holiday coming up on 

Here's the proposed agenda for the meeting:

  The Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group is committed to educating
  the public about the effects of U.S. policy on the people of Iraq, and
  other areas including SW Asia, North Africa, and the "Middle East,"
  and on the domestic costs of war.

5:00 PM Political update: brief headlines including what's new in Iraq,
   Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Iran, Gaza/West Bank, Yemen,
   Korea, Venezuela, Ukraine/Russia and the US

5:35 PM Proposed and ongoing actions:
   ---June 25 livestream event with Noor Ghazi -- debrief
   ---Friday rallies for peace and justice-- reports
      and Ann Huntwork fund / "US Out Of..." sign
   ---Hiroshima day event -- updates
   ---Situation in Ukraine / Russia - discussion
   ---Situation in Palestine/ Israel- discussion
   ---Troops home campaign / letter to Governor Kotek 2024
      plus war $ home/ Mayor's Conference--updates/ plans
   ---PJW's five livestream events 2020-2023 -- updates
   ---Yvonne Simmons memorials (2022 & 2023) -- updates
   ---Joint Terrorism Task Force campaign-- updates
   ---Emergency response amidst pandemic...? -- update
   ---Actions to oppose war / war crimes on Iran-- discuss
   ---City Council resolutions against wars / Iran & Venezuela --updates
   ---Letter to congressional reps about Yemen / War Powers-- follow up
   ---BDS, City investments and other local actions-- updates
   ---Upcoming ideas /opportunities for educational forums/demonstrations
   --Other recent ideas

6:15 PM Other events/action items (incoming requests) & networking
    --Oregon Peace Network

6:25 PM Other business--finances/fundraising and office space / phone
    Peace and Justice Works updates including quarterly meetings
    "Peace Network" (Portland) fiscal cosponsors & structure - next steps
    Outreach/membership recruitment and communication

6:35 PM Set next meeting

6:40 PM end

Please write back if there is anything missing from the proposed agenda or 
if you want to attend but won't be able to make it.

As always, we need your support to help us keep doing our work!
   Donate on line: http://www.pjw.info/pjwdonate.html

--dan handelman
    Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group

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