[pjw] Action: Annual counter event at Rose Festival warships Sat 6/8 1:30 PM

Peace and Justice Works pjw at pjw.info
Sun Jun 2 13:04:36 EDT 2024

Hello everyone
The War Resisters League is once again calling on people to gather and 
hold signs down at the waterfront to counter the warships and recruiting 
that gets done as part of the Rose Festival, next Saturday, June 8 from 
1:30 to 3:30 PM.

I plan to be there with the Ann Huntwork Peace Memorial Sign (which stays 
on when we're stationary!) with the message "Warships are not family fun."

The full announcement is below.
dan handelman
peace and justice works

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 25 May 2024 15:03:00
From: John Grueschow
Subject: Annual sign-holding counter event at Rose Festival

Saturday, June 8th, 1:30 to 3:30 pm.

At the Japanese Memorial in Waterfront Park, north of the Burnside Bridge.

We will be standing with signs and banners in opposition to militarism at 
the Rose Festival--to the presence of Navy and Coast Guard warships and 
military recruiting booths.

Please join us in speaking out against this sad and senseless tradition. 
We will have plenty of signs, but you can also bring your own if you wish. 
This is a rain-or-shine event.

John Grueschow
War Resisters League--Portland

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