[pjw] RSVP/ REMINDER PJW Annual Meeting Sunday, Feb 23 (12:00 convo 12:30 meet)

Peace and Justice Works pjw at pjw.info
Sat Feb 22 12:55:48 EST 2025

Hello again
I have to say "double oops" as I send this email to you all:

1) the original email spelled "Annual" wrong ("Annuual")

2) I meant to send this reminder yesterday so you would have more time to 
respond AND not get two bulk emails today (when the Report Back comes out 
on the Friday rally...).

Anyway, we have over a half-dozen RSVPs in for Sunday's annual meeting. I 
can sending the connection info out to those who RSVP. Some people have 
trouble dialing in to our conference calls. If that's the case for you you 
can either email here or text in (to 503-236-3065) with a phone number and 
I can have FreeConferenceCall call you in. (I know this particularly helps 
people who don't have unlimited long distance service).

The announcement I sent out last week is below with information about the
agenda and topics. And don't forget, our business meetings are kind of 
work-work-work but we build in a half-hour at noon so people can chit-chat 
at these quarterly meetings.

Hope to talk to you tomorrow!
dan handelman
peace and justice works

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2025 10:09:54
From: Peace and Justice Works <pjw at pjw.info>
To: Peace and Justice Works List <pjw-list at pjw.info>
Subject: [pjw] RSVP/ PJW Annuual Meeting Sunday, Feb 23 (12:00 convo 12:30 meet)

Hello again PJW supporters

Way back on January 2, we sent out a text version of our newsletter, the 
PJW UPDATE. In that email was the following information about the Annual 
Meeting for Peace and Justice Works, coming up a week from Sunday, on 
February 23.

Please RSVP to get the connection information. You don't have to be a 
member unless you want to vote on the Board; if you are unsure of your 
membership status include that in your email.

Thank you
dan handelman
peace and justice works


Sunday, February 23, 2025
12 noon (conversation); 12:30 PM (meeting)
*Conference call-- contact us for info*

We are hoping you can be part of Peace and Justice Works' 33rd annual 
meeting, to be held Sunday, February 23 via teleconference. While there is 
a lot of business to take care of, we leave the first half hour open from 
12 noon to 12:30 PM for just chatting and catching up. The meeting begins 
at 12:30 and will run until 2:30 PM. Contact us to get the conference call 

The main items on the proposed agenda are:

--updates on 2024/2025 activities from Affinity Groups (Iraq, Copwatch, Flying 
Focus Video);

--election of board of directors and officers*
(Current slate: Shelley Bedell, President/Authorized Check Signer [ACS]; Dan 
Handelman, Secretary/ACS; Linda Tomassi, ACS; Jocelyn McAuley, ACS; and Luke 

--financial report, office updates, volunteer outreach.

If you're just joining PJW or are a long-time supporter, these meetings are 
good places to plug in!

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