[pjw] DONATE: Stamps go up in price Monday...

Peace and Justice Works pjw at pjw.info
Thu Aug 26 20:35:11 EDT 2021

Hi PJW supporters
Yes, there were horrific bombings today in Kabul that killed over 60 
people as the messy occupation and messy withdrawal continue. The climate 
continues to deteriorate and the police continue using violence with 
little to no consequence. But today I remembered something I was going to 
write about last week--- that the price of stamps is going up from 55 
cents to 58 cents on Monday. This means, though, that thrifty donors who 
want to buy some stamps to support us can still go out in the next 2 (-3?) 
days and get Forever stamps at the current rate and they'll still be good 
even after more price hikes!

I've been dealing with a lot of equipment issues, testified about the US 
DOJ settlement agreement Tuesday and mailed out the Copwatch newsletter 
this afternoon, or else I would have remembered to ask sooner. Anyway, if 
you can send some stamps, thanks!

dan handelman
--Peace and Justice Works
    PO Box 42456
    Portland, OR   97242
    (503) 236-3065 (call or text)
    pjw at pjw.info

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