[pjw] MEETING REMIDNER/RSVP: PJW summer quarterly meeting Sat 7/20 12 PM (12:30)

Peace and Justice Works pjw at pjw.info
Tue Jul 16 16:48:09 EDT 2024

Hi again PJW supporters

As noted in the PJW Update (sent to you on June 16, a month ago!), the 
summer quarterly meeting of Peace and Justice Works is now just four days 
away on Saturday July 20 via conference call.

Project group participants, general PJW members/supporters and the board
meet at these events to share information, but as noted below, you don't
have to be a member to attend! The gathering starts with an informal
discussion at noon with the meeting from 12:30-2:30 PM.

Please let us know if you have any questions, and if you plan to attend
the meeting RSVP so I can get you the connection information.

The agenda includes affinity group and financial reports. Affinity
Groups (aka project groups) include the Iraq Affinity Group, Portland
Copwatch and Flying Focus Video Collective.

The details are below.

--dan handelman
peace and justice works/portland copwatch


Join us for the
Saturday, July 20, 2024
12 noon (conversation); 12:30 PM (meeting)
*Conference call- contact us for info*

Please join the call! Peace and Justice Works' 32nd Summer Quarterly
meeting will be held on Saturday, July 20. We continue to hold our
meetings by remote for maximum safety of vulnerable populations, but are
constantly evaluating in-person options. We begin with casual
conversation at 12 noon, followed by the meeting from 12:30-2:30 PM.
Please RSVP to get the conference call information.

The proposed agenda includes:

--updates on Affinity Group work (Copwatch,
     Iraq, Flying Focus, other);

--financial and office update, fund-raising,
     volunteer outreach;

--set Fall Quarterly meeting.

Membership is not required to attend-- this is a good place to learn
about what's going on and plug in!

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