[pjw] VIDEO: Yvonne Simmons 2023 memorial (Hoffman Hall) now online

Peace and Justice Works pjw at pjw.info
Wed Jul 17 12:24:27 EDT 2024

PJW supporters and friends of Yvonne

It was my intent to get this video edited and published before the two 
year anniversary of Yvonne's death earlier this month, but as with many 
things, it took longer than expected and life got in the way.

I've posted the video on the PJW Youtube channel at


You can't find it listed, in part because YouTube threatened us with a 
"copyright strike" for using a clip of Mary Rose and Yvonne singing "Last 
Night I Had the Strangest Dream." Let us know what you think and feel free 
to share the link with people who might be interested.

As noted in the online summary, pasted in below, there's closed captioning 
available, which is auto generated so not perfect-- but very helpful 
because there were audio problems caused by a faulty wire at Hoffman Hall 
for what is the first 40 minutes of this video. I did my best to clean it 

There is a lot of music, many memories, and a variety of people whose lives 
were touched by Yvonne.

And of course thanks to Flying Focus for the use of their editing software 
and the clips that were rolled into the event/video.

dan handelman
peace and justice works

Memorial for Yvonne Simmons 2023

Held at Hoffman Hall, Portland State University on October 14, 2023.

Yvonne Simmons, described at this memorial as a "force of nature," was an 
activist, singer, mentor to young women, rescuer of animals and creatively 
mischievous organizer. A few months fter she died in July, 2022 a virtual 
memorial was held, which can be seen in edited form at 
https://www.flyingfocus.org/YvonneMmrl_streamingpage.html .

This secomd memorial was held as a hybrid in-person/online event.

A number of photos relating to what's being remembered about Yvonne are edited 
into this special web version, cut together from the original Zoom event.

The audio at the in person event had technical problems until about 40 
minutes into this edited version. Turn on the closed captioning to help 
make out what's being said!

You can skip to particular parts of this video using the following chapter 

0:00 Simmons/Rose "Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream" (video clip)

2:07 Desiree Hellegers

7:05 Dan Handelman

10:08 The Clothesline Project (video clip)

11:32 Mary Rose (with Jen) -- memories and songs

20:41 Intro/ Suzanne Losh

23:57 Intro/ Womenwith Hill (video clip)

26:15 Naomi Morena - memories and song

34:21 Intro / Mikel Clayhold (audio clears up at 37:39 )

38:06 Into / Back from Bosnia (video clip)

41:14 Karen James

55:16 Intro / PC Peri

1:01:52 Intro / Meg Vogt

1:09:02 Intro / Natasha Beck

1:12:37 Dan and Desiree, final comments

1:13:29 Mary Rose (and Jen) Ella's Song (We Who Beleive in Freedom)

1:17:14 Yvonne with WILPF Raging Grannies in Iowa
      Down by the Riverside (video clip)

1:19:00 End credits (30 seconds)

For more information see


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